At home my son is used to sleeping with the closet light on in his room (in lieu of a night light.)
When we travel to my mother-in-law’s home in Germany, there are no closets, meaning no closet light, meaning my son will not go to sleep alone in the room, and we don’t plan well enough to buy a night light for our stay.
Soooo, my husband had the brilliant idea of turning on a lamp in the room where my son slept and then putting a book over the lamp so that it wouldn’t be too bright.
You already know what’s going to happen, but I’ll continue anyway.
The adults in the house were sitting downstairs enjoying some champagne and adult time after putting my son to bed.
There were candles lit all around the room, and the Christmas tree was lit with real candles. Really, that’s the way they do it in Germany - real candles.
So when we first smelled smoke, we assumed it was the candles or the tree catching fire.
Eventually, I knew it wasn’t candle smell. I followed the smoke to my son’s bedroom and discovered the book. It now had a hole all the way through the entire center of the book.
It actually looks pretty cool!