Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm ashamed

Cloud of selfishness last seen drifting above the clouds

My family was here visiting just last weekend. This weekend my brother-in-law arrived from Germany.

I guess all this family time made me a little edgy.

As I released some lovely pomegranate jewels from their skin to add to the salad for dinner, my brother-in-law was standing and chatting with me. I'm preparing and he is chatting and . . .

he ventures over to the bar stool.

Not just any stool.

There are four empty bar stools, but he is sitting at the bar stool facing my laptop!

Okay, breathe, it's fine. I'm fine.

He reaches toward the keys, and . . .

he actually touches the keys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My kids are here. Be a good example. Sharing is good. Sharing is good. I have to be a good example for my kids. Sharing is the right thing to do. Breathe. Share.

I can't help it. I try to keep it in, but this huge dark stinky cloud of selfishness extends from me and surrounds my laptop. I'm trying desperately to pull it back. I'm hoping nobody notices.

I'm trying to continue chatting, but my voice has mysteriously gone up a few octaves.

Later in the evening he asks my husband if we have an old laptop he could possibly use.

Damn! He saw it - the greed induced cloud - or smelled it?

My selfishness is on display for all to gaze upon.


Ranran said...

That is kinda awkward.

ArtSparker said...

I don't understand my addiction to my own machine, which is not entirely benign. Many bottoms of pans burned while I was unable to resist my infatuation.

I don't know if you need to be ashamed if you controlled your actions, the autonomic nervous system is, you know, autonomic.

Unknown said...

Oh no he did not! That is no different than going in your underwear drawer. You just don't do that unless you are invited, which you won't be.

The Mother said...

You know how you taught your kids that they had "private parts"?

Personal computer paraphernalia COUNTS.

Unknown said...

well...he should have ASKED, how rude!

Ms. O. D. said...

I'm not so sure you should be ashamed. I know my laptop I have some private things on there, some projects personal and work and generally don't let anyone use my laptop... especially back when I used to have microsoft windows, when so many things can go wrong (viruses and spyware)...

Jane Doe said...

I don't like sharing my 'puter either. Unfortunately I have to let my kids use it as it's the only one we have. I wouldn't worry too much about being selfish, you didn't freak out and put a knife to his throat or anything. :-)

rosedale's 4head said...

you are *so* not alone!

lilaphase said...

Thanks everyone for the support, but this is sorta like when the drug dealer tells the crack addict 'hey, just one hit is no big deal.'

Because if you're reading this, you are pretty much an internet junkie anyways - am I right?

Vic said...

Addicts we are, but also sympathetic. (Hands off my computer!!)

Dan Brantley said...

Yep, he should have asked. We pour so much into these machines, they become like those diaries that had a little key lock.

But the old kids rules apply here too: Don't put any more milk in their glass than you want to clean up, and don't leave it within their reach unless you want it touched.

Lidian said...

No no, don't feel ashamed, he should have asked!! I am the same way, no one touches my laptop unless they have asked me and it is OK (and even then it's good to ask a second time)

I would have screamed out loud, personally.


Marie said...

Not selfish, normal. HE was not respecting boundaries.

And because you are not selfish, and you made me laugh, there is an award waiting for you at my blog. :)

Artist Victoria O'Neill said...

Wow, as a parent I am always reminding my kids to ask before touching other people's things, like musical instruments, computers, anything electronic, etc.
What was he thinking? Totally out of line.